320+/- Acres Sully County Land Auction
Auction Date: Thursday, March 27, 2025 @ 11AM
Auction Location: On-Site
Legal: NW1/4 SEC 11-T114N-R74W & NE1/4 SEC 12-T114N-R74W in Sully County, South Dakota.
Owners: Jerrell Schimkat
Closing to take place on or before May 1, 2025. This property is free and clear to farm or rent for the 2025 crop year. Upon acceptance of the sale by the seller, a non-refundable earnest money deposit equal to 10% of the purchase price will be due at the conclusion of the sale and possession will be given at closing, OR possession will be given day of sale with a non-refundable earnest money deposit equal to 20% of the purchase price due at the conclusion of the sale. If the buyer is not immediately available at the conclusion of the auction, the purchase agreement and non-refundable earnest money deposit must be completed within 24 hours from the close of the auction. The balance will be due at closing. Merchantable title will be conveyed, and title insurance cost will be divided 50/50 between the buyer and seller. Closing costs are to be split 50/50 between the buyer and seller. The 2024 RE Taxes due and payable in 2025 will be paid by the seller. 2025 RE taxes due and payable in 2026 and all future taxes will be the buyers responsibility. The seller does not warranty or guarantee that existing fences lie on the true boundary, and any new fencing will be the responsibility of the purchaser pursuant to SD statutes. No warranty is made or implied for the property boundaries, mineral rights owned, or water supply. Any mineral rights currently owned by the seller will pass to the buyer, however, the seller does not warranty or guarantee any. FSA yields, bases, payments, and other information are estimated and not guaranteed, and are subject to County Committee Approval. Information contained herein is deemed to be correct but is not guaranteed. Sold subject to existing easements, including easements, restrictions, reservations, or highways of record, if any, as well as any or all Sully County Zoning Ordinances. The RE licensees in this transaction stipulate that they are acting as agents for the seller. A survey/plat will not be provided and will be the buyers responsibility if needed or requested. This is a cash sale. Property is sold “as is”. This sale is subject to Seller Confirmation. Purchaser shall cooperate with Seller on signing documents and coordination of facilitating an IRS 1031 Exchange if Seller participates in this Exchange. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over any written materials. Not responsible for accidents. Tracts will be offered individually, combination, and as a unit. Purchase Agreements will be signed according to how the bids were placed at auction.
· Available to Farm or Rent Day of Sale!
· 199± Acres of Class II Soils w/ 76-86% PI Range.
· 316.89+/- FSA Cropland Acres.
· Easy Access from 185 St, East of Onida.
Directions From Onida, SD to Tract 2: Head East out of Onida on 185th St for 17 miles. Tract 2 begins on the South side of the road, Tract 1.5 miles east, also on the South side of the road.
Brokers Notes:
Located 17 miles East of Onida with easy access of 185th street, these 2 quarters pack a punch! This high quality dirt is ready to produce for you in 2025 with soil PI’s ranging from 76% - 86% across nearly 200 acres. This farm is equipped with an overall soil productivity index of 63.2%. These farms have minimal obstacles to farm around, making it convenient for the current day equipment to get in and out and on to your next project. FSA reports a total of 316.89 Cropland acres with 313.95 total base acres comprised of a 234.71 acre Wheat base with a 39 bu PLC yield and a 78.24 acre Sunflower base with a 1548 lb PLC yield. The location of this property is ideal for outdoor enthusiasts with an abundance of upland birds and whitetail deer in the area. With excellent eye appeal and a gentle roll, these two farms cater to the row crop farmer on the move. The opportunity has come to take Advantage of this property that has been in the Schimkat Family since the 1960s so bid to buy on this once in a lifetime investment!
Acres: 160+/- Taxes: $1,330.12
Legal: NE1/4 SEC 12-T114N-R74W in Sully County, South Dakota.
Farm quality with ease from a very high percentage tillable and 128+ acres of Class II soils offering a soil PI from 76% to 86%! This quarter offers easy access from 185th St and an overall soil productivity of 69.4% with a gently rolling topography. FSA reports a total of 155+/- Cropland acres with 153+/- total base acres comprised of an 114+/- acre Wheat base with a 39 bu PLC yield, a 38 acre Sunflower base with a 1548 lb PLC yield. Enjoy the benefit of having already been applied with 32oz of round up and fertilized with 15 gal of 28%.
· 155+/- FSA Cropland Acres w/ 153+/- Base Acres.
· Already Fertilized w/ 15 gal of 28% and has 320z of RoundUp Applied.
Acres: 160+/- Taxes: $1,196.20
Legal: NW1/4 SEC 11-T114N-R74W in Sully County, South Dakota.
This farm offers easy access from 185th St and 70+/- acres of Class II soils offering a PI from 76% to 86%. With overall soil productivity of 57.1% and a gently rolling topography, enjoy the benefits of a very high percentage tillable farm. FSA reports a total of 161.89+/- Cropland acres with 160.95+/- total base acres comprised of 120.71+/- acre Wheat base with a 39 bu PLC yield, a 40.24 acre Sunflower base with a 1548 lb PLC yield.
· 161.89 FSA Cropland Acres w/ 160.95 Base Acres.
· Excellent Access Off 185th Street.