Tract 3: 159± Acres: SE4 SEC 23
159 Acres
A 7% Buyer's Premium will be added to the final Sales Price. All applicable taxes will be assessed based on the sum of the sales price and buyer's premium.
Land Auction Terms:
Closing and full possession to take place on or before March 19, 2025. This property is free and clear to farm or rent for the 2025 season. Upon acceptance of the sale by the seller, a non-refundable earnest money deposit equal to 10% will be due at the conclusion of the sale. If the buyer is not immediately available at the conclusion of the auction, the purchase agreement and non-refundable earnest money deposit must be completed within 24 hours from the close of the auction. The balance will be due at closing. Merchantable title will be conveyed, and title insurance cost will be divided 50/50 between the buyer and seller. Closing costs are to be split 50/50 between the buyer and seller. The 2024 RE Taxes due and payable in 2025 will be paid by the seller as a credit to the buyer at closing based on most current tax information available. 2025 RE taxes due and payable in 2026 and all future taxes will be the buyers responsibility. The seller does not warranty or guarantee that existing fences lie on the true boundary, and any new fencing will be the responsibility of the purchaser pursuant to SD statutes. FSA yields, bases, payments, and other information are estimated and not guaranteed, and are subject to County Committee Approval. Information contained herein is deemed to be correct but is not guaranteed. Sold subject to existing easements, restrictions, reservations, or highways of record, if any, as well as any or all McPherson County Zoning Ordinances. No warranty is made or implied for the property boundaries, mineral rights owned, or water supply. Any mineral rights currently owned by the seller will pass to the buyer, however, seller does not warranty or guarantee any. The RE licensees in this transaction stipulate that they are acting as agents for the seller. A survey/plat will not be provided and will be the buyers responsibility if needed or requested. This is a cash sale. Property is sold “as is”. This sale is subject to Seller Confirmation. This property is subject to a 5% buyer premium. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over any written materials. On Tract 2 the mound of clay and hay bales will be moved off this 2025 spring when dry favorable weather. Not responsible for accidents. Tracts will be offered individually, any combination, and as a unit. Purchase Agreements will be signed according to how the bids were placed at auction.
Total Acres: 518.5 Total Taxes: $4,544.14
T1: 120+/- Acres NW ¼ excluding NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of SEC 16-T126N-R67W.
T2: 160+/- Acres NE ¼ SEC 16-T126N-R67W.
T3: 159+/- Acres SE ¼ SEC 23-T125N-R68W.
T4: 79.5+/- Acres N ½ NW ¼ SEC 32-T125N-R68W all in McPherson County, South Dakota.
Directions From Leola, SD to Tract 1: Head North out of Leola on County HWY 19 for 1/2 mile Tract 1 Begins on the East Side of the road.
· Available to Farm or Rent in 2025!
· Minimal Waste Acres
· 370± Acres of Class II & III Dirt
· Convenient for modern day equipment
· FSA reports 480.17 Crop Land Acres
· Grass Waterways providing ideal habitat
Acres: 120+/- Taxes: $1,059.28
Legal: NW1/4 excluding NW1/4 of the NW1/4 of SEC 16-T126N-R67W in McPherson County, South Dakota.
With easy access County HWY 19 just ½ mile north of Leola, this 120± acres offers an overall soil Productivity Index of 63.3% with the majority class III and II dirt. FSA reports a total of 107.06 Cropland acres with 96.84 total base acres comprised of a 73.68 acre corn base with a 111 bu PLC yield and a 125 bu yield, and a 23.17 acre Soybean base with a 35 bu and 36 bu PLC yield. 5.87 acres are considered non-tillable comprised of a grass waterway ideal for wildlife. This property offers some of the best dirt McPherson County has to offer along with straight rounds, a grass waterway, prime dirt making it a perfect blend for any operator and investor.
· 107.06 FSA cropland acres
· A straight 80 for modern machinery
Acres: 160± Taxes: $870.56
Legal: NE1/4 SEC 16-T126N-R67W in McPherson County, South Dakota.
This property provides loads of possibilities for any farmer or investor and is a good addition to Tract 1. FSA reports a total of 152.09 Cropland acres, nearly all tillable with a grass draw cutting through the property which offers investment along with recreation.
· 152.09 FSA Crop Land Acres
· Grass draw with minimal waste acres
Acres: 159± Taxes: $1,810.66
Legal: SE1/4 SEC 23-T125N-R68W in McPherson County, South Dakota.
This 160± acres of crop land that brings quality dirt to the table. With a 7.55 acre non-tillable grass draw, this square quarter offers an overall productivity index rating of an 81%. FSA reports a total of 145.73 Cropland acres with 97.17 total base acres comprised of an 54.92 acre Corn base with a 106 bu PLC yield, a 38.24 acre Soybean base with a 30 bu PLC yield, and a 4.01 acre Wheat base with a 35 bu PLC yield. This quality dirt also has the ability to get consistent yields for your operation.
· Overall Productivity Index of 81%.
· 145.73 Cropland Acres.
Acres: 79.50 ± Taxes: $803.64
Legal: N1/2NW1/4 SEC 32-T125N-R68W in McPherson County, South Dakota.
With corner to corner row crop, this property is what you want to farm and invest in with a soil rating coming in at a 79% productivity index. FSA reports a total of 75.29 Cropland acres with 65.48 total base acres comprised of an 53.96 acre Corn base with a 111 bu PLC yield, and a 11.52 acre Soybean base with a 35 bu PLC yield. With the entire property as a class II Williams-Bowbells-Tonka complex, you will want to add this to your portfolio and let it work for you this year.
· 75.29 FSA Cropland Acres.
· All Williams-Bowbells-Tonka Soil at 79% PI.
In the garden spot of any county is always a good place to start if you are planning on farming or owning dirt for an investment. This 518.5± acres of high quality dirt with easy access off county HWY 19 and other county gravel proudly presented at auction by Advantage Land Company. This property has row crop production written all over it and is comprised of 480 cropland acres with minimal waste and obstacles. There are 370± acres of Class II & III soils, with 276± acres generating soil productivity index at 81% and 79%, and an overall productivity index of 64.6% across all the acres. FSA reports a total of 480.17 Cropland acres with 259.49 total base acres comprised of a 182.56 acre corn base with a 111 bu, 106 bu, and a125 bu PLC yield, a 72.93 acre Soybean base with a 35 bu, 36 bu, and a 38.24 bu PLC yield, and a 4.01 acre Wheat base with a 35 bu PLC yield. With a nearly level typography, strong soils, and minimal waste this property is ready to work for you this year. The location of this property is ideal for enthusiasts as it is in a well-known wildlife area northwest of Aberdeen, SD, with abundance of upland game birds and whitetails! Put this land offering into your portfolio and place a hold for generations to come. Bid strong February 13th! Immediately following the land sale, we will offer up for rent 927+/- acres of crop land near Leola, SD.
Rent Auction: 3 year lease opportunity.
T1: 471.74 FSA Cropland Acres (less 2.5+/- Acres in NE corn of Section 17)
NE ¼ and NORTH 290' OF LOT B OF THE NW ¼ SE ¼ SEC 17-T126N-R67W, SE ¼ SEC 5-T126N-R67W, and SW ¼ SEC 26-T127N-R67W.
Tract 1: 471.74+/- acres of high quality soils with an overall soil productivity index of 70.9%. FSA reports 471.74 cropland acres with the total base acres at 422.31 comprised of 313.08 acre corn base with 111 bu PLC yield and a 125 bu PLC yield and a 109.23 acre soybean base with 35 bu PLC yield and a 36 bu PLC yield. Not included is 2.5+/- Acres in the NE corner of the land in Section 17. Tenant to convert alfalfa sod in Section 26 and get into row crop production this 2025 farming season.
T2: 456.04 FSA Cropland Acres (Less the 3.04 crop land acres in the SW corner of Section 9)
N ½ and SW ¼ except Leola Sportsman’s Club Addition in SEC 9-T126N-R67W all in McPherson County, South Dakota.
Tract 2: 456.04+/- acres of high quality soils with an overall soil productivity index of 72.4%. FSA reports 456.04 cropland acres with base acres of 407.18 comprised of 261.34 corn base with 116 bu PLC yield and a 125 bu PLC yield and a 145.84 acre soybean base with 35 bu PLC yield and a 36 bu PLC yield. Not included is 3.04 Acres in the SW corner in Section 9.
Rental Auction Terms:
3 year lease opportunity. Tract 1 acres 471.74 FSA Cropland Acres (less 2.5+/- Acres in NE corn of Section 17). Permissible row crops: Corn, Soybeans, & Wheat. A rotation will be required. No silage or wheat baled for straw will be permitted, all residue after crop is harvested will be required to go back into the land. Tract 1: Must break alfalfa sod in Section 26 and get into row crop production. 100% of 2025 rental payment due at the conclusion of the auction at lease signing. 2026 and 2027 Rental payments due March 1st of each year payable to the Land Owner. Hay Bales will be removed this spring 2025 when dry favorable weather. Owner Reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids. Announcements made day of auction take precedence over any written material. Not responsible for accidents. Owner to reserve hunting rights, tenant to ask land owner for hunting permission.
South Dakota
United States