Tract 4: 74.6+/- Acres Hyde Co. SD - Advantage Land Co./G3 Auction - South Dakota and Minnesota's Premier Auctioneers & Farm Management Services

Tract 4: 74.6+/- Acres Hyde Co. SD

Turn off bid sound
Lot Number:4
Start Time:3/28/2024 5:00:00 AM
End Time:4/2/2024 6:52:03 PM
Bid Count:0
Winning Bidder:
Starting Bid:$111,900.00/Acre
Bid Increment:$1.00
Current Bid:$0.00/Acre x 74.6 Acres
74.6 Acres

A 7% Buyer's Premium will be added to the final Sales Price. All applicable taxes will be assessed based on the sum of the sales price and buyer's premium.

Legal:E1/2NW1/4 SEC 4-T116N-R72W in Hyde County, South Dakota.


Closing to take place on or before May 7th, 2024.  Upon acceptance of the sale by the seller, a non-refundable earnest money deposit equal to 10% will be due at the conclusion of the sale with possession at closing or with a 20% non-refundable earnest money deposit, possession of this property will be given day of sale except Tract 5 (NW1/4 Section 10) in which possession will be given August 20th, 2024. Other personal property remaining at the time of deed transfer will become property of the purchaser. The balance of this property is free and clear to farm or rent for the 2024 season. If the buyer is not immediately available at the conclusion of the auction, the purchase agreement and non-refundable earnest money deposit must be completed within 24 hours from the close of the auction. The balance will be due at closing. Merchantable title will be conveyed, and title insurance cost will be divided 50/50 between the buyer and seller. Closing costs are to be split 50/50 buyer and seller. The 2023 RE Taxes due and payable in 2024 will be paid by the seller. The 2024 RE Taxes due and payable in 2025 will be paid by the buyer. Buyer to receive the 2024 CRP payment and assume the CRP contract on Tract 2. The seller does not warranty or guarantee water supply and that existing fences lie on the true boundary, and any new fencing will be the responsibility of the purchaser pursuant to SD statutes. FSA yields, bases, payments, and other information are estimated and not guaranteed, and are subject to County Committee Approval. Information contained herein is deemed to be correct but is not guaranteed. Sold subject to existing easements, restrictions, reservations including oil, gas & mineral reservations, or highways of record, if any, as well as any or all Hyde County Zoning Ordinances, including Waterfowl Management Rights Easements and Grassland Easements. Additionally, Tracts 1, 2, 4 and 7 will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Baloun Water System Shared Well Agreement.  Any mineral rights currently owned by the seller will pass to the buyer, however, the seller does not warranty or guarantee any. The RE licensees in this transaction stipulate that they are acting as agents for the seller. A survey/plat will not be provided and will be the buyers responsibility if needed or requested, except on Tract 1, which costs will be split between the buyer and seller. Tract 1 closing is contingent upon the completion of a survey. A shared well agreement will be signed on or before closing between Tracts 1, 2, 4 & 7 and other parcels outside this sale that are associated with the Artesian well located on Tract 7.  This is a cash sale. Property is sold as is. This sale is subject to Seller Confirmation. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over any written materials. This property will be offered individually, any combination, and as a unit. Not responsible for accidents. The dynamic ending of the online auction at will extend every 15 minutes as long as bids are placed. 


Directions From Highmore SD to Tract 1: 24 miles north on US Hwy 47, Tract I will start on the west side of the Hwy, just north of 173rd St.



     736.63 FSA Cropland Acres.


     840+/- Acres of Class II Dirt.


     Able to farm, graze, hay or rent all this year except a quarter.


     Convenient location on SD Hwy 47 North of Highmore S.D.


     400+ acres quality grassland, Artesian well, tanks and strong fences.


     Nearly all contiguous, mature trees, young trees, wetlands.




Acres: 150+/-  Taxes:  $843.30  Legal: SE1/4 SEC 2-T116N-R72W in Hyde County, South Dakota. Easements: Partial Grassland 




     Easy access, located on Hwy 47 and 173rd St.


     Overall soil rating of 54.9% PI.


     2 tanks from Artesian well and corrals.


     Quality pasture, strong 5 barb fence.


     Includes 12.5+/- acres east of the Hwy.




Acres: 196.5+/-  Taxes:  $1,698.34  Legal: NW1/4 SEC 2-T116N-R72W in Hyde County, South Dakota. Easements: Partial Grassland & Waterfowl 




     177+/- Acres of Class II Soils.


     93.82+ FSA Cropland Acres.


     7.08 Acres of Maturing Trees in CRP for $354/yr, exp 2024.


     Cropland soils offer 75% PI, overall soil rated at 72% PI.


     110+/- Grassland Acres with 1 tank from Artesian well.




Acres: 356.5+/-  Taxes:  $2,406.74  Legal: E1/2 SEC 3-T116N-R72W in Hyde County, South Dakota. Easements: Waterfowl 




     240+/- Acres of Class II Soils, Crop Soils 69%, Overall Soils 66.9%.


     20K and 10k bu grain bins, propane tank, fuel tank & single phase electric.


     Habitat with wetlands, tree lines & shelter for wildlife.


     328.02 FSA Cropland acres.




Acres: 74.6+/-  Taxes:  $568.68  Legal: E 1,190’ of NW1/4 less E200’ thereof, and N510’ of E200’ of NW1/4 SEC 4-T116N-R72W in Hyde County, South Dakota. Easements: Waterfowl 




     Overall Soil rating of 70%.


     11.38 FSA Copland acres with strong potential to convert to crop.


     Tank from the Artesian Well, Older Shed with Electricity


     10+/- acres of mature trees & easy wintering area for livestock.


     Small corral with continuous fence.




Acres: 160+/-  Taxes:  $1,170.24  Legal: NW1/4 SEC 10-T116N-R72W in Hyde County, South Dakota. Easements: Partial Waterfowl 




     150.94 FSA Cropland Acres


     Cropland Soil Rating of 70% PI.


     Excellent access, high percentage tillable.


     Possession after winter wheat is harvested in 2024.


     Modern day equipment friendly.




Acres: 159+/-  Taxes:  $1,265.20  Legal: NE1/4 SEC 10-T116N-R72W in Hyde County, South Dakota. Easements: Waterfowl 




     145.39 FSA Cropland Acres.


     Cropland Soil Rating of 72.2% PI.


     Easy access, high percentage tillable.


     Made for modern day equipment.


     Straight rounds with slough on perimeter.




Acres: 158+/-  Taxes:  $1,002.62  Legal: SW1/4 SEC 12-T116N-R72W in Hyde County, South Dakota. Easements: Grassland




     Virgin sod, gently rolling grassland.


     Strong grassland soils at 55.7% PI.


     Home of the 2,040' deep Artesian well head and 1 tank.


     Excellent access on Hwy 47.

     2 dugouts.


Brokers Notes:


This opportunity to purchase central South Dakota farm and pasture land with outdoorsman amenities is one of the finest you'll find!  Located right on SD Hwy 47, north of Highmore, Advantage Land proudly presents this 1255+/- acres of well-stewarded Hyde County land, nearly all contiguous, with 840+/- acres of Class II soils.  Young trees, mature trees, choice cropland, fertile grassland, strong fences, a gentle roll, an Artesian well, and wetlands make this property one spectacular tangible asset.  The cropland acres offer a 70.6% solid soil productivity rating while the overall property is equipped with a 66.2% soil rating, including the wetlands and grassland. FSA reports a total of 736.63 Cropland acres with 556.14 total base acres comprised of a 240.74 acre Corn base with a 91 bu PLC yield, a 176.07 acre Wheat base with a 40 bu PLC yield, a 91.37 acre Soybean base with a 28 bu PLC yield, a 36.715 acre Sunflower base with a 1,706 lb PLC yield, and a 11.25 acre Grain Sorghum base with a 43 bu PLC yield. With an insurmountable number of snow geese flocking the area, whitetail deer and pheasants, no doubt, this land has the added benefit of recreation for any sportman!  Let the consistency of quality soils, well kept land, a good balance of South Dakota cropland, grassland and hunting land, all located in a steady agricultural community help strengthen your success. Available in individual tracts, any combination, or as a unit.

Hyde County
South Dakota
United States